What should I do if I or someone I know is experiencing relationship violence?
If you are in immediate danger, please call 911. We encourage you to speak with a licensed counselor or professional to help you cope with any effects of dating/domestic violence.
If you do not feel comfortable telling someone in your life, you can always reach out to campus and community services that provide counseling and resources for relationship violence.
体育菠菜大平台 Student Health: (308) 865-821
体育菠菜大平台 Counseling: (308) 865-8248
S.A.F.E. Center: (308) 237-2599
Family Advocacy Center (FAN): (308) 865-7492
Victim/Witness Assistance: (308) 233-5263
If you want to contact authorities or take legal action, please contact campus police or the community police.
体育菠菜大平台 Police Department: (308) 865-8911
Kearney Police Department: (308) 237-2104
What are some behaviors commonly found in abusive relationships?
- Emotional abuse: calling names, yelling and screaming, verbal threats to harm you or people you care about, preventing you from seeing other friends or family, telling you what to do or wear, making you feel guilty or immature when you do not consent to a sexual activity
- Physical abuse: any type of physical violence used against a victim. Grabbing your face to force you to look at them, forcing you to have sex or perform sexual acts, and using any type of weapon are also forms of physical abuse.
- Financial abuse: constricting your financial freedoms in any way. This may include not permitting you to work or limiting your hours, hiding or stealing your income of any kind, or using your credit cards without permission.
- Sexual abuse: any form of unwanted sexual contact. This may include unwanted kissing or touching, rape, refusing to use condoms or other forms of birth control, threatening unwanted sexual activity, or forbidding a victim from protecting themselves from sexually transmitted infections.
- Cyber abuse: any form of control or exploitation through technology. This may include not allowing you to friend people on Facebook or follow someone on Twitter, constantly texting or calling, tracking you using GPS, forcing you to send explicit photos, stealing passwords, or going through your phone often.
What should I do if I or someone I know is being stalked?
If you are in immediate danger, please call 911. The best way to get unwanted contact to stop is to report it to law enforcement.
体育菠菜大平台 Police Department: (308) 865-8911
Kearney Police Department: (308) 237-2104
Police may ask you to keep a “stalking incident log” to record any stalking behaviors including dates, times, frequency, and duration of the unwanted contact. It is important to save anything a stalker may send you such as gifts, notes, letters, texts, social media messages, etc. If your friends and family witness these behaviors, have them take notes of the incident and/or note it in your stalking incident log.
Make a Safety Plan that includes steps to take if you are followed, if they show up abruptly, or if you are in danger. If you are in immediate danger, please call 911. Share your Safety Plan with people close to you so they are aware of your plans and of the stalking situation.
What are stalking behaviors?
A pattern of repeated unwanted contact, attention or harassment directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear.
Stalking behaviors may include showing up at your work or other places you go on a regular basis, repeated phone calls, sending unwanted gifts, Internet stalking, contacting friends and family to get to you, destruction of your property, violence, including threats of violence, and constant, unwanted contact of any kind.